In bulk
Archlinux (laptop & desktop)
Alpine Linux (server)
i3wm to manage my windows
i3blocks status bar
syncthing to sync files
keepassxc password manager
Mosh (mobile shell) instead of SSH, when you’re roaming, it’s a must have
Alacritty rust terminal that takes advantage of your GPU
starship shell prompt
jless, a command-line JSON viewer
Flameshot screenshot software
zerotier: zeroconf VPN for local and remote machines
etesync to sync contacts, calendar and tasks
syncthing to sync files
andOTP for everything 2FA
AntennaPod for podcasts
Benshi Vidéo pour les enfants (par âge, thème)
Tiny Scanner Pro to scan documents from the mobile
BinaryEye barcode and QR code scanner. Open source, no adds.
I use Emacs with Doom framework.
Notable modules:
mediawiki.el — Very useful when you have to work with Mediawiki. The web editor is very bad, and working from your editor is a big plus.